Zero-waste at Hudson Fest – 2024

2024 is the third year of the five-year plan that Green Hudson proposed to eliminate the trash generated during Hudson Fest.

The DPW team that collected the trash during the 2023 Hudson Fest commented on the significant reduction in trash that they hauled away.

At this year’s event, Green Hudson will staff four recycling and composting stations. Each station will have a trash barrel, recycling barrel, and a bin for compost. Our friends at Black Earth Compost have agreed to pick-up the material as part of their weekly Hudson route. This is a time-consuming job and we would love to have additional volunteers throughout the day. Green Hudson will have a brief pre-event training to help prepare volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering, click here to access a chart showing time slots that are available for you to cover. And, donʼt forget to enjoy the festivities too!

For food vendors, Green Hudson is offering at $25 rebate to any participant that provides compostable
single use items. Green Hudson is offering this incentive to encourage vendors to consciously
consider compostable products. A survey by Clean Water Action California showed that the variance in
price between compostable and plastic items is less than $0.01 across a broad category of items.
However, food services is a competitive business and pennies add up. Be sure to notice and mention
how much you appreciate your favorite vendor and their leadership in transitioning back to a less
wasteful social contract.